View count:
1.應另繳交資料:Additional Application Materialsa. 親筆手寫中文自傳(一千字以內)1000-word handwritten autobiography by applicant inChinese
b.中文讀書計畫Study plan written in Chinese
c. TOEFL 或 SAT 成績 TOEFL or SAT score
d.「華語文能力測驗」進階級中文能力證明A TOCFL certificate with results rated at Level 3.
e.特殊表現資料(如競賽成果證明、獎學金證明等)Documents for special performance (achievement award certificates, scholarships, etc.)
2.審查方式 Screening Criteria:
a.資料審查Application Material Review
b.口試:資料審查通過者,另行通知口試時間及地點(請 附聯絡電話),未能參加口試者,視同放棄資格。
Oral Test: Qualified applicants will be informed of the date and place of the Oral Test (contact information is required for this purpose). An applicant who is not able to attend the Oral Test will be viewed as forgoing this opportunity.