姓名 胡联国
研究专长 国际财务管理、国际贸易理论、数理经济、财务工程
授课领域 国际财务管理、国际贸易理论、数理经济、财务工程
职称 兼任教授
年度 论文名称
2012 Li-Ting Chiu;胡联国, 2012.12, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, ' Review of Securities and Futures Markets, Vol.24, No.4, pp.1-38.(TSSCI), vol. 387392, Dec. 2012
2012 胡联国*, 2012, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 410999, 2012
2012 胡联国*, 2012, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 410998, 2012
2012 Li-Ting Chiu;胡联国, 2012, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, ' Review of Securities and Futures Markets,.(TSSCI)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 350817, 2012
2011 Yaoteng Gong;Qiusheng Zhang;胡联国, 2011.03, 'Study on Organization Culture Dissimilarity and M&A Performances, ' Future Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, Vol.119, No.0, pp.457-463.(EI), vol. 387379, Mar. 2011
2011 Huai-I. Lee;Hsinan Hsu;胡联国;Ching-Chung Lin, 2011.03, 'Portfolio Insurance with Ratcheted Floor as a Long-Term Asset Management Strategy:Implications of Loss Aversion, ' Applied Economics Letters,.(SSCI), vol. 350811, Mar. 2011
2011 Yu-Shiu Lin;胡联国, 2011.03, 'The Role of Ownership on Control Right Allocation and Compensation Contract Design, ' Applied Economics Letters, Vol.18, pp.1421-1426.(SSCI), vol. 350810, Mar. 2011
2009 Chu-Hua Wu*;Len-Kuo Hu, 2009.09, 'Strategic Choice between Joint Venture and Mergers for Vertical Integration, ' Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.17, No.3, pp.103-125.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 293219, Sep. 2009
2009 Yu-Hsiu Lin*;Len-Kuo Hu, 2009.08, 'Optimal supervision with moral hazard, ' Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol.71, No.2, pp.473-485.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 293220, Aug. 2009
2008 Yu-Shiu Lin;Len-Kuo Hu, 2008.12, 'Prospect Theory and Herding Behavior in the Stock Market, ' Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.16, No.4.(TSSCI), vol. 283047, Dec. 2008
2008 胡联国;丁宪浩;庄双喜, 2008.01, '企业并购确实能为股东创造更多利益吗?, ' 绩效与策略研究期刊, Vol.4, No.3., vol. 243063, Jan. 2008
2007 胡联国;丁宪浩;庄双喜, 2007.12, 'Control Rights and Takeover Bidding Strategy, ' International Journal of Business and Strategy, Vol.8, No.2, pp.38-51.(EBSCO Publishing and Gale Group/ Thomson Publishing), vol. 243067, Dec. 2007
2007 林育秀;胡联国, 2007.03, 'Prospect Theory and Herding Behavior in the Stock Market, ' Journal of Financial Studies,.(TSSCI)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 243035, Mar. 2007
2007 胡联国;Hsien-Hao Ting;Shaung-Shii Chuang, 2007, 'Cyclical Cooperation and Non-cooperation in an Alliance, ' The Business Review, Vol.8, No.2.(ABI/INFORM (ProQuest), CABELL''S and ULRICH''S DIRECTORIES), vol. 243034, 2007
2006 胡联国*, 2006, '文化的融合与东北亚的区域经济合作, ' 南开学报, No.5, pp.100-109.(*为通讯作者), vol. 243033, 2006
2005 Len-Kuo Hu;Chin-Mann Huang, 2005, 'Compensation Design and Career Concerns of Fund Manager, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.24, No.4, pp.379-398.(SSCI), vol. 188589, 2005
2005 Len-Kuo Hu;Yu-Shun Hung, 2005, 'The Role of Hedged Futures in Managerial Incentive Contracts, ' International Journal of Accounting Studies, Vol.40, pp.1-29., vol. 188586, 2005
2001 胡联国, 2001.11, 'Capital Movement, Unemployment and Product Choice, ' Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol.6, pp.425-446., vol. 137844, Nov. 2001
2001 胡联国, 2001.06, 'Income Inequality and Security Market, ' Academia Economic Papers, Vol.29, No.2, pp.185-220., vol. 137832, Jun. 2001
1996 胡联国, 1996.03, 'Foreign Trade, Investment and Endogenous Technology Growth, ' Academia Economic Papers, Vol.24, No.1, pp.45-83., vol. 106331, Mar. 1996
1995 胡联国, 1995.03, 'Cyclical Cooperation and Noncooperation, ' Academia Economic Papers, Vol.23, No.1, pp.57-93., vol. 105259, Mar. 1995
1993 胡联国, 1993.03, 'Intra-Industry Trade and Selective Trade Policy, ' The Journal of National Chengchi University, Vol.66, pp.411-444., vol. 106332, Mar. 1993
1992 胡联国, 1992.03, 'International Portfolio Choice and Optimal Currency Hedge, ' The Journal of National Chengchi University, Vol.64, pp.505-532., vol. 106333, Mar. 1992
年度 论文名称
2012 胡联国;Yu-Shiu Lin, 2012.07, 'Liquidity Shock, Bank Capital Requirement and Economic Cycle, ' BAI 2012 International Conference on Business and Information, BAI 2012 International Conference on Business and Information., Jul. 2012
2012 胡联国;吴菊华, 2012.06, 'Foreign Borrowing or Domestic Financing: A Dual Agency Perspective, ' the eighth annual conference of the Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA), Nanyang Technological University., Jun. 2012
2011 胡联国;吴菊华, 2011.06, 'Dynamic Theory of Preference: Impact of Trade Imbalance on Financial Crisis, ' the seventh annual conference of the Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA), the seventh annual conference of the Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA)., Jun. 2011
2011 邱珮瑜*;胡联国, 2011.03, '债权人对公司清算决策之研究 - KMV 模型之应用, ' 2011 CSBF两岸金融研讨会暨渤海高峰论坛.(*为通讯作者), Mar. 2011
2009 Li_Ting Chiu;Len-Kuo Hu, 2009.06, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, ' The Fifth Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Annual Meeting, APEA., Jun. 2009
2009 Yu-Shiu Lin;Len-Kuo Hu, 2009.06, 'Optimal Bank Regulation in an Economic Boom and Recession, ' The Fifth Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Annual Meeting, APEA., Jun. 2009
2008 胡联国;Li-Kai Ho, 2008.05, 'The Impact of Resetting Strike Price on the Price and Risk of Quanto Option, ' The Sixth NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting., May. 2008
2008 Chu-Hwa Wu;Len-Kuo Hu, 2008.05, 'Soft Budget Constraint and Acquisition, ' The Sixth NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting., May. 2008
2007 胡联国;Yu-Shiu Lin, 2007.07, 'The Role of Ownership on Control Right Allocation and Compensation Contract Design, ' International Conference on Business and Information., Jul. 2007
2007 胡联国;吴菊华;杜建衡, 2007.07, 'Liquidity Demand and Soft Budget Constraint for Mergers and Acquisitions, ' 2007 并购论坛., Jul. 2007
2005 胡联国, 2005.12, 'Culture Coherence and Regional Economics Cooperation in Northeast Asia, ' 中华经济协作系统第11届国际研讨会『东亚区域的经济整合』., Dec. 2005
2005 胡联国;林育秀, 2005.07, 'Information Sequencing, Financial Intermediation and Firms’ Financing Choice, ' The First APEA International Conference., Jul. 2005
2005 胡联国;林育秀, 2005.07, 'Prospect Theory and Herding Behavior in Stock Market, ' The 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance., Jul. 2005
2003 Len-Kuo Hu;Yu-Shiu Lin, 2003.11, 'Optimal Supervision of Financial Institutions with Moral Hazard, ' WTO Conference – New Agendas in the 21st Century 3 at Taipei sponsored by Chung Hua Institutions for Economic Research and Shu-Te University., Nov. 2003
2002 胡联国, 2002.11, 'Strategic Choice between Joint Venture and Mergers -- An Incomplete Market Approach, ' The Eighth Asia Pacific Management Review Conference, The City University of Hong Kong., Nov. 2002
1999 胡联国;Yi-Chien Chiang;Szu-Lang Liao, 1999.04, 'Valuation of Cross-Currency Two-Way Equity Swaps with Stochastic Interest Rates, ' The Seventh Conference on Pacific Basin Finance Economics and Accounting, National Taiwan University., Apr. 1999
年度 书名
2000 胡联国, 2000.05, 'International Economic Dynamics with Capital Movement, ' Macmillan Press Ltd.., 137854, May. 2000
年度 名称 发表日期 全部作者
2005 胡联国, 2005.07, 'Cyclical Cooperation and Non-cooperation in an Economic Organization – Implications for the Japanese Economy, ' the International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development (ICSEAD). 2005-07-01
2001 胡联国, 2001.07, 'Income Inequality and Stock Market, ' National Science Council. 2001-07-01
2000 胡联国, 2000.12, '涉险值(Var)在台湾综合证券商之运用, ' 台湾证券交易所. 2000-12-01
2000 胡联国, 2000.07, 'Financial Intermediary, Collateral, and Banking Crisis, ' National Science Council. 2000-07-01
1999 胡联国, 1999.12, '美洲国家经济整合对我国之影响与因应之道, ' 行政院经济建设委员会. 1999-12-01
1999 胡联国, 1999.07, 'Quantum Field Theory of Finance, ' National Science Council. 1999-07-01
1997 胡联国, 1997.07, 'Real Estate as an Investment, Production and Consumption Good: An Analytical and Empirical Study, ' National Science Council. 1997-07-01
1996 胡联国, 1996.07, 'Foreign Trade, Direct Investment and Endogenous Technology Growth, ' National Science Council. 1996-07-01
1992 胡联国, 1992, '国际最适资产组合与外汇避险策略之综合研究, ' 国科会.
胡联国, '国际化活动对台湾企业技术升级之影响, ' 国科会. 2025-03-01
胡联国, '合作与不合作循环周期策略之理论与应用, ' 国科会. 2025-03-01
胡联国, '国际化活动对台湾企业技术升级之影响, ' 国科会. 2025-03-01
胡联国, '不完全竞争产业内双向贸易与最适策略性贸易政策之研究, ' 国科会. 2025-03-01
胡联国, '合作与不合作循环周期策略之理论与应用, ' 国科会. 2025-03-01
国家 学校名称 系所 期间
美国 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 经济学系 1981.12 ~ 1984.12
美国 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 经济学系 1980.09 ~ 1981.12
台湾,中华民国 国立台湾大学 商学系 1972.09 ~ 1976.06
经历类别 服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 2016.02 ~ 2018.02
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 2015.02 ~ 2015.08
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 2014.08 ~ 2015.02
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 2014.02 ~ 2014.08
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 2011.02 ~ 2012.02
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 2004.08 ~ 2010.08
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 2003.02 ~ 2003.08
校内兼职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 系主任 1998.08 ~ 1999.07
校内兼职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 主任 1997.08 ~ 1998.07
校内兼职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 系主任 1996.08 ~ 1997.07
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 教授 1995.09 ~ 2000.08
校内本职 政治大学 国际经营与贸易学系 副教授 1989.10 ~ 1995.09
经历一览 财务金融学刊论文审查委员 审查委员